If you do not know how to get the simple product , Bundle product, configurable product and Grouped product attribute value in magento simple follow below code to get the product attribute value
Using this code You can get custom Attribute or default attribute value and label.
Open the template file “view.phml” from path template/catalog/product/
Find below code in the file.
<?php $_product = $this->getProduct(); ?> Put below code and check on frontend. <?php echo '<pre>'; $attributes = $_product->getAttributes(); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { //if ($attribute->getIsVisibleOnFront()) { echo "<br/>".$attribute->getName(); echo "<br/>Apply To = ".$attribute->getData('apply_to'); // print_r($attribute->getData()); // get All product attribute value echo "<br/>Attribute Value = ".$attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($_product); // get product Attribute value echo "<br/>Attribute Label value = ".$_product->getAttributeText($attribute->getAttributeCode()) ; // display value only select checkbox and drop down only echo "<br/>"; //} } echo '</pre>'; ?>