Category Archives: Magento2

Unable to enable modules because of the following constraints on magento2

I have faced this problem when i was setup new magento2
on local machine, and i have tried to many process to
solve this issue but nothing work.

Simply this is caching issue. The browser which I was
used it. They have save js with my previous installation.

Step1: Use different browser and than check.


Clear browser cache and than check.

How to Install magento2 on localhost using GIT

we can download magento2 in 3 ways.
1) Direct Download
3) Using GIT

Step1: go to your root folder and check git install on
your local machine or not. type below command on console.


If not than install it.

apt -get install git

Step2: get a git clone on the root directory.

git clone

Step3: Give the permission of the folder

sudo chmod -R 777 YOUR-PROJET-FOLDER-NAME/

Step4: After that put below url on your local browser.


how to install magento2 on localhost using Composer

we can download magento2 in 3 ways.
1) Direct Download
3) Using GIT

Step1: First you need to check composer install on system or not.
Type below command on your console to check composer installation

	composer -help

If not install than install it . using below command.

curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

The first command install Composer into your local directory,
the second will move the composer.phar file to a directory
where it can be accessed globally by your system.

Again check below command

 composer -help

Step 2: Install magento project on local machine, Type command on console.

composer create-project magento/project-community-edition magentodemo

root@system:/var/www/html# composer composer create-project magento/project-community-edition magentodemo

you see below output on your console

Installing magento/project-community-edition (2.0.2)
  - Installing magento/project-community-edition (2.0.2)
    Downloading: 100%         

Created project in Magento
Loading composer repositories with package information
    Authentication required (       
      Username: bfba1bb4bdfdcb63d8458457728f
Do you want to store credentials for in /home/gaurav/.composer/auth.json ? [Yn] Y

Step3: After this you need username and password

and login into your account and than go to Develoers >> Secure Keys and generate key here.
Basically public key is belong to Username
Private key is belong to Password

Step4: Give the permission of the folder

sudo chmod -R 777 magentodemo/

Step5: After that put below url on your local browser.


If you want to add sample data on your project than run
below command on console after complete install project.

php <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento sampledata:deploy

Install Magento2 on localhost

we can download magento2 in 3 ways.
1) Direct Download
3) Using GIT

Before install magento2 on localhost, we need to check is our server
fulfill the Magento2 system requirement or not. Check the below link.

<strong>Using Window/Linux operating System without composer:-</strong>

Step1: Download magento from magento website using below url.

Put that zip folder to your root path (/var/www/html/) and unzip it.

Step2: Rename the folder name as per your project name and give the 777 permission of that folder.

Step3: create a db on your local machine.

Step4: Run that url on your local browser
http://localhost/YOURPOJETCNAME/setup/ (On step 2 folder name)

Step5: Now follow your browser steps and install magento2 latest version on your local machine.

NOTE:- If you are installing first time Magento2 on your localhost. I suggest don’t
use composer due to chceck magento2 system requirment either compatible or not.